Strengthening the capacity of Communal Services Operators for sustainable service delivery
Between March and July 2023, representatives of communal services operators from 30 partner municipalities participating in the “MĂ IMPLIC” project underwent a series of specialized training sessions. The purpose of these training courses was to enhance their knowledge and develop skills necessary for the successful execution of their service-related activities.
Over a period of five months, administrators, accountants, and other employees from communal service providers participated in 17 training sessions, organized into six modules. These modules covered crucial areas for effective service provision:
- Organizational and Human Resources Management
- Operational Management in the areas of sanitation, water supply, public street lighting
- Legal and Regulatory Framework
- Material and Logistics Resource Management
- Financial Management
- Marketing and Customer Relations
The training sessions were conducted by members of the “Mă Implic” team, individual consultants with expertise in specific fields, as well as specialized institutions. Participants received both theoretical knowledge and practical training, which was reinforced through project work and assignments. Upon completion of the training, participants were awarded participation certificates, recognizing their commitment and achievements.
The specialized training provided to the communal services operators under the “MĂ IMPLIC” project plays a crucial role in enhancing their knowledge and skills. By empowering these operators, the project contributes to the improvement of communal services, fostering sustainable development within the communities. The project’s emphasis on capacity building and sustainable practices reflects its commitment to achieving long-term benefits for the participating municipalities. Through continued collaboration and investment in communal services, the project aims to create lasting positive impacts on the overall well-being of the communities involved.
It is worth noting that from 2021 to 2023, thirty municipalities/groups of municipalities are implementing projects aimed at improving the delivery of communal services with the support of the “MĂ IMPLIC” project. The project is funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and implemented by SKAT Consulting. The project intervention goes beyond infrastructure improvement, the project helps municipalities also develop sustainable approaches and models to maintain this infrastructure and ensure the sustainability of services provided to the community. A complete list of partner municipalities can be found here.
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