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Voluntary Amalgamation in Practice: Moldova Learning from Estonia’s Experience

Voluntary Amalgamation in Practice: Moldova Learning from Estonia's Experience

We are delighted to share the experience of a Study Visit to Estonia. From July 22 to 26, 2024, a group of 16 participants, including mayors from rural communities in the North, Central, and South of Moldova, officials from the State Chancellery, and the team of the Mă Implic Project, explored Estonia’s voluntary amalgamation process and its positive impact on municipal development. We had the opportunity to visit key central public administration institutions, such as the Ministry of Regional Affairs and Agriculture and the Association of Cities and Municipalities. We also visited local public administration institutions in rural municipalities: Rakvere, Viru Nigula, Saue, Pärnu, Viljandi, Elva, and Jõgeva.

We covered essential reform topics including:

  • The process of amalgamation of local institutions;
  • Optimizing services for citizens and integrating digital solutions;
  • Improving post-amalgamation quality of life;
  • Successful economic development initiatives;
  • Efficient communication of the amalgamation process with citizens and between LPAs.

The goal of this visit was to provide participants with valuable insights into the success of Estonia’s voluntary amalgamation process. Participants had the opportunity to learn directly from local experts and observe the practical application of reforms, discussing the benefits and challenges encountered.

This visit was organized with the support of the Swiss Government, at the request of the State Chancellery of the Republic of Moldova. The MĂ IMPLIC Project team is making continuous efforts, particularly in support of the voluntary amalgamation initiative launched by the Government of the Republic of Moldova. Organizing these series of study visits is a crucial activity for achieving the objectives of the MĂ IMPLIC Project, which aims for the government to promote and coordinate local public administration reform efficiently, effectively, and transparently.

A second visit is planned for this autumn, with the list of participants to be finalized by the State Chancellery.

We extend our thanks to all participants for their dedication and enthusiasm, as well as to our partners for their hospitality. We appreciate the efforts of our Estonian hosts and the support provided in organizing this study visit.

#MăImplicProject #SkatConsulting #Switzerland #VoluntaryAmalgamation #StudyVisit #Estonia #Reform #LocalPublicAdministration #Networking

We remind you that 14 groups of LPAs from Moldova will benefit from stronger local governance and increased access to quality public services, thanks to the support of the Project MĂ IMPLIC, funded by the Government of Switzerland and implemented by Skat Consulting. The project “MĂ IMPLIC” in Phase 2 aims to contribute to strengthening local governance and increasing the population’s access to better public services. The project will provide support to local authorities and citizens to improve local administration, strategic planning, and public service delivery. This initiative will bring benefits to approximately 106,000 citizens in these communities.

#MaImplicProject #SkatConsulting #SwissCooperation #Switzerland
#MAIMPLIC #LocalDevelopment #PublicServices #EfficientAdministration

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Three Essential Guides for Improving Communal Household Services, made available by the MĂ IMPLIC Project

Three Essential Guides for Improving Communal Household Services, made available by the MĂ IMPLIC Project

The “MĂ IMPLIC” project provides three essential guides for improving communal household services, as part of its ongoing efforts to strengthen local governance and increase public access to quality services. These documents are:

  1. Service Improvement Plan. PART I. USER PROCESS GUIDE
  2. Service Improvement Plan. PART II. DATA PROCESSING GUIDE
  3. Service Improvement Plan. APPLICATION INSTRUCTION

Since October 2021, the “MĂ IMPLIC” project has used the SIP tool (Service Improvement Plan) in thirty local public administrations/groups of partner LPAs in the Northern, Central, Southern regions and UTA Gagauzia. The tool has been continuously adapted to meet the specific needs of LPAs in the Republic of Moldova, based on practical recommendations and lessons learned throughout the application process.

In Phase II, the “MĂ IMPLIC” project aims to contribute to strengthening local governance and increasing public access to better services by providing support and assistance to first-level LPA groups that express interest in creating partnerships and/or aspiring to initiate a voluntary amalgamation process of administrative-territorial units (UAT). By creating useful tools for LPAs, the project will continue to contribute to the development of communal household services in partner communities.

The guides are now available for download in PDF and WORD formats and are essential for any local public administration that aims to improve communal household services in their community.

These documents were developed as part of the “MĂ IMPLIC” Project – Civic Engagement in Local Governance (Phase II, 2023-2027), funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and implemented by Skat Consulting Ltd. The content of the documents does not necessarily reflect the views of the mentioned partners.

Authors: Anatol Bucatca, Tudor Golub, Andriy Kavun

Service Improvement Plan. PART I. USER PROCESS GUIDE 

This guide describes the step-by-step methodology for consolidating inter-community partnerships, measuring satisfaction with provided services, evaluating services and operators, documenting and collecting data, analyzing intervention options, and planning actions to improve communal household services. 

Service Improvement Plan. PART II. DATA PROCESSING GUIDE 

The logical continuation of the SIP development process, this guide describes the methodology for processing previously collected data and information and developing the final product – the Service Improvement Plan.

Application Instruction for the Self-Evaluation of Communal Household Services 

This instruction provides a step-by-step description of the self-evaluation process, an effective framework for discussion and analysis among various community actors, a means to establish the initial capacity level and to subsequently evaluate the progress made. It is designed to ensure the sustainability of the self-evaluation tool after the project’s completion.

We remind you that 14 groups of LPAs from Moldova will benefit from stronger local governance and increased access to quality public services, thanks to the support of the Project MĂ IMPLIC, funded by the Government of Switzerland and implemented by Skat Consulting. The project “MĂ IMPLIC” in Phase 2 aims to contribute to strengthening local governance and increasing the population’s access to better public services. The project will provide support to local authorities and citizens to improve local administration, strategic planning, and public service delivery. This initiative will bring benefits to approximately 106,000 citizens in these communities.

#MaImplicProject #SkatConsulting #SwissCooperation #Switzerland
#MAIMPLIC #LocalDevelopment #PublicServices #EfficientAdministration