30 localities/groups of rural localities in the Republic of Moldova will receive support in the frame of the Project of civic involvement in local government „MĂ IMPLIC”
30 local public administrations/groups of LPAs from the North, Center, South regions, and ATU Gagauzia will implement projects intended to improve communal services, with the support of “MĂ IMPLIC” project.
Through the selection process were considered the feasibility of the proposed measures and the interest demonstrated by citizens, as well as the geographical representation (by regions), range of services, and models of stakeholder cooperation.
The most demanded interventions were on the improvement of the solid waste management service, therefore 16 LPAs / groups of LPA will implement projects in this area. Eleven interventions focus on water supply and sanitation (wastewater transport and treatment), while street lighting services will be improved in three other localities.
In the selected localities/groups of localities, local government representatives, service providers, and citizens will work together to organize the provision of communal services in a participatory, efficient, inclusive, and sustainable way.
“The applications we have received were of great quality and numerous of them included innovative approaches, as well many of them proved synergy with other initiatives taking place in the region. We also noted the mobilization and active participation of locals in the assessment visits. This confirms that both LPAs and local residents are determined to develop their locality by creating or improving quality communal services, as well as monitoring their provision.”, concluded Matthias Morgner, project manager of MĂ IMPLIC.
The list of the 30 selected LPAs / groups of LPA, approved by the Steering Committee of the project “MĂ IMPLIC” can be viewed here.
In the first selection stage, 210 applications were evaluated based on seven criteria: vision, innovative approaches, community participation, number of beneficiaries, sustainability, synergy with other projects, and previous experiences. As a result of the evaluation of applications, 45 LPAs / groups of LPA were pre-selected and visited by the project team members to assess the feasibility of the proposed interventions and the citizens interested in the selected service. Geographical coverage (by region), range of services, and stakeholders cooperation models were also considered.
Based on these results, “MĂ IMPLIC” Project Steering Committee, representing the State Chancellery of the Government of the Republic of Moldova, the Swiss Cooperation Office in Moldova, the Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure, the Congress of Local Authorities, approved the list of 30 partner LPAs / groups of LPA.