Experiences and local practices of managing communal household services, initiating the development of Service Operation and Maintenance Plans
On October 13, 2022, the MĂ IMPLIC project organized a documentation and orientation session for administrators of Municipal Enterprises and public facilitators on the topic: “Local experiences and practices of managing communal household services, initiating the development of Operation and Maintenance Plans for services”.
The purpose of the event was to present to the participants:
- How to organize Focus Groups, to define the local vision in the management of communal household services
- What is the structure of the Operation and Maintenance Plan of a communal service
Also, during the event, the participants exchanged experience in the field of organizing the management of the water supply and sanitation service, the street lighting service and the waste management service
The participants confirmed that such events are suitable platforms to mutually share the experience of LPAs and Communal Service Operators regarding the implementation of activities within the cooperation with the MĂ IMPLIC Project.
We remind that in the period 2021-2023, thirty localities/groups of localities are implementing projects aimed at improving the delivery of communal services, with the support of the “MĂ IMPLIC” project, funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and implemented by SKAT Consulting. Full list of partner LPAs available here.