The villages of Logănești and Stolniceni will create together a modern communal solid waste collection service

The citizens of Logănești and Stolniceni villages from Hâncești rayon will have access to quality communal services, thanks to the partnership with the “MĂ IMPLIC” project.

Until now, the 6,000 citizens could not benefit from a communal solid waste collection service, being forced to transport the garbage from the households to the two unauthorized landfills near the villages. According to the latest community surveys, citizens want to have access to quality communal services, to have decent living conditions, aligned with European standards, in a clean and healthy environment.
“We want to benefit from a communal solid waste collection service, to minimize the amount of garbage, to arrange and authorize a single landfill for both localities. Most importantly, we aim to collect waste separately, to sort recyclable waste and especially biodegradable waste. Moreover, we intend to arrange compost areas, and the compost obtained to be given for use to local farmers. We are happy that the most active participants in community meetings are the young people, those who promote progress, innovation and come with good practices observed abroad “, says Ms. Daria Gonța, leader of the Association of Natives of Logănești “DOR DE CASĂ”.
“The flora and fauna suffer extremely because of the waste thrown at random, the garbage steals more and more from our grasslands and forests. We need to be fair to ourselves and the environment in which we live, we need to reduce waste and have innovative and sustainable approaches, to reinvest in the management of a modern waste management service. Did you know that garbage dumped in unauthorized places poses a high risk of biosecurity and can lead to contamination of honey and bee families with various diseases? I want to be able to produce quality, healthy honey, to be able to grow my small business at home”, says Ion Toderaș, a young farmer, who has been practicing beekeeping for many years. Together with other farmers in the community, he partnered to practice and promote organic farming.

In the period 2021-2023, the villages of Logănești and Stolniceni will implement a project aimed to improve the solid waste management service, with the support of the Project “MĂ IMPLIC”, financed by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and implemented by SKAT Consulting. Following the signed agreement, the municipality will benefit from funding (maximum 65,000 CHF), consulting, and capacity building services. The Project “MĂ IMPLIC” will help the municipality and the service provider not only to improve the infrastructure but also to develop long-term approaches to keep this infrastructure in good shape and to have sustainable models for financing the provision of services. In our work, we will ensure that local citizens, employees of LPAs, NGOs, economic agents are actively involved in modernizing public services in the community and especially that the less advantaged have equal access to these services.