Immediately after signing the partnership contract, in January 2021, each of the 30 localities / groups of partner localities of the project benefited from the assistance of community facilitators at each stage of the project intervention. Thus, the facilitators motivated the actors in the community, developed and strengthened the partnership relations of the local authorities with the citizens, especially within the Community Initiative Teams Facilitators have been actively involved, together with the Community Initiative Teams, and have successfully completed the main stages: community mapping (actors and resources), strengthening the community consensus on the area of intervention (improving public services), participatory analysis of the current situation logistic technical analysis of the solutions, selection of the solution, self-evaluation of the service. Facilitators have continuously monitored, evaluated, and disseminated the progress made by the beneficiaries.
During the orientation session organized on January 18, 2022, the facilitators learned about the specifics of the activities planned for this year and presented the progress, the success factors, but also the risks in the partner communities.
In 2022, the facilitators aim to enable and empower the representatives of the local public authorities and the members of the local teams, especially regarding the consolidation of the capacities for coordinating the actions and the implementation of the Plan for Improving the Communal Household Services; to contribute to the development of civic activism and participation mechanisms. This way, the Community Initiative Teams could independently organize and deliver the activities within the project, occasionally using the support of the facilitator. In the next period, the partner communities will complete the development of the service improvement plan and sign the grant agreements.
We’d like to remind that in the period 2021-2023, thirty localities / groups of localities are implementing projects aimed at improving the delivery of communal household services, with the support of the Project “MĂ IMPLIC”, financed by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and implemented by SKAT Consulting. Most intervention projects are in the field of improving the solid waste management service, followed by those aimed at drinking water supply and sanitation services (transportation and treatment of wastewater). In three localities, the project will improve the street lighting service.
Following the signed agreement, the municipalities benefit from funding (maximum 65,000 CHF), consulting, and capacity building services. The Project “MĂ IMPLIC” help the LPA and the service provider not only to improve the infrastructure but also to develop long-term capacities to keep this infrastructure in good shape and to have sustainable models for financing the provision of services. In our work, we ensure that local citizens, employees of LPAs, NGOs, economic agents are actively involved in modernizing public services in the community and especially that the less advantaged have equal access to these services.
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