Skat Consulting Annual Report 2022 is out now

Throughout 2022, Skat Consulting faced numerous global challenges while striving to establish lasting solutions in water, construction, energy, and governance sectors. Today, we are thrilled to share our Annual Report with you, offering a comprehensive overview of how we supported our clients and project partners during these demanding times. Our report sheds light on our efforts to combine immediate humanitarian aid with more sustainable development cooperation and crises prevention.

One of our significant endeavours in the humanitarian context focused on assisting war-affected populations in Ukraine and Moldova. For two decades, we have been actively engaged in long-term water and governance development projects in Moldova. Our extensive experience, coupled with our expertise in technologies and diverse approaches, particularly in the water, construction, and energy sectors, enabled us to develop responsive solutions that addressed immediate needs while fostering sustainable improvements in these countries.

This endeavour was undoubtedly challenging, but the unwavering spirit of our team transformed it into some of our most significant achievements of the year. These experiences have shaped our new mandates, fuelling our motivation and pushing us to continue our efforts. We have come to realize that our mission goes beyond providing services; it’s about creating impactful change, one project at a time. We sincerely hope you find our Annual Report insightful and inspiring.

Discover how our projects implemented in Moldova, including Mă Implic, Apa San+ and  Assist have empowered communities and fostered sustainable development in Moldova, as highlighted in our Annual Report 2022, available on the following link:

#SkatConsulting #AnnualReport2022 #MoldovaProjects #HumanitarianAid #SustainableDevelopment #CreatingChange

Reamintim, că în perioada 2021-2023, treizeci de localități/grupuri de localități implementează proiecte destinate îmbunătățirii livrării serviciilor de gospodărie comunală, cu suportul proiectului “MĂ IMPLIC”, din fondurile Agenției Elvețiene pentru Dezvoltare şi Cooperare (SDC) și implementat de SKAT Consulting. Lista completă a APL-urilor partenere aici

#maImplic #skatConsulting #civicengagement #communalservice