LPAs in 30 targeted partner municipalities will manage service provision in a participatory, effective, inclusive and sustainable way (Outcome 1) through
Identifying and satisfying LPAs’ strategic needs in communal service planning, budgeting and service management (output 1.1),
Identifying and satisfying Service Providers’ organizational development needs in effective communal service operation and maintenance (output 1.2),
Supporting LPAs and SPs in the implementation of their service improvement and O&M plans through resource mobilization and co-financing (output 1.3)
People - including vulnerable - are more engaged in local decision-making and monitoring of service provision in targeted municipalities (outcome 2) through
Improving local policy frameworks and establishing processes for people’s engagement in the area of communal service provision (outputs 2.1),
Making service users engaged in communal service planning and delivery (output 2.2).
At the national level
Policy, legal and financial environment is favorable for quality public service provision and decentralization reform (outcome 3) by
Supporting informed policy dialogue and policy making process in relation to communal service provision (output 3.1),
Making the partner local self-government association capable to better represent its constituencies, engage in policy dialogue and provide support services to its members (output 3.2),
Ensuring that State Chancellery steers the Local Self-Government & decentralization reform (output 3.3).