The “MĂ IMPLIC” project is implemented by Skat Consulting Ltd (SKAT), a Swiss-based independent consulting company and resource center specializing in development and humanitarian aid in transitioning and developing nations. With a rich history spanning nearly four decades, SKAT has garnered a solid reputation for delivering technical expertise, management support, training, research facilities, and successful project implementations across more than 100 countries.

SKAT’s industry experience covers municipal household services in the fields of water supply, sanitation and solid waste management, administration, construction and installations, energy and climate, and others.

Central to SKAT’s mission is its dedication to narrowing the socioeconomic divide by promoting sustainable livelihoods and enhancing the living standards of marginalized communities. Their extensive industry experience encompasses municipal household services such as water supply, sanitation, and solid waste management, alongside expertise in administration, construction, installations, energy, climate, and more.

In Moldova, SKAT has maintained a presence since 2008, boasting its own organizational structure and dedicated staff. Notably, SKAT previously led the implementation of the Swiss Water and Sanitation Project (ApaSan), funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). Additionally, SKAT is actively engaged in Ukraine, overseeing the DESPRO Decentralization Support project, also funded by SDC.