All Communal service providers Community mobilization Risipeni-en Solid Waste Management

Solid waste collection has commenced in Risipeni, Taxobeni, Horești and Izvoare!

Solid waste collection has commenced in Risipeni, Taxobeni, Horești and Izvoare!

Intercommunity solid waste management service was launched, thanks to a joint effort, of the Municipalities and citizens of Risipeni, Taxobeni, Horești and Izvoare. Thus, starting on February 23, 2023, the residents of the 9 localities within this partnership benefit from a modern communal service, which helps them to properly manage the garbage from personal households and contributes to maintaining a healthy and clean environment in the area.

The highly anticipated event was attended by the MĂ IMPLIC project managers, representatives of the partner Municipalities, the Fălești Rayon Council, the business and associative environment from the communities and over 120 residents of the Risipeni commune. At this event, citizens had the opportunity to sign contracts with the newly established Municipal Enterprise. In just the first hour, more than 30 contracts were signed, and bins and bags for selective waste storage were distributed to the citizens of Risipeni and Bocșa. Over the next two months, the Community Initiative Team, in collaboration with the Communal Services Operator, aims to sign contracts with an additional 600 beneficiaries and expand this number in the other communities of the partnership.


DMITRI MOSORETI, the mayor of Risipeni commune, stated, “Of course, we have a challenging path ahead, as it involves working closely with citizens and maintaining continuous communication with them. Our primary goal is to make them understand that this service is solely for their benefit, ensuring a clean environment and delivering quality services to our citizens.”


“It will be a clean village. We will no longer have waste in improper places. The vehicle will come, collect it, and take it to the right location, which is a significant improvement. You place it in the trash bin, and the vehicle comes to pick it up and take it away, so you don’t have to transport it anywhere,” expressed a resident of Risipeni commune.


The procurement of equipment for the improvement and organization of the communal service is carried out with the support of the “MĂ IMPLIC” project, from the funds of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and implemented by SKAT Consulting. The MĂ IMPLIC project not only helps the municipality and service provider improve the infrastructure but also focuses on developing long-term approaches to maintain the infrastructure in good shape and establish sustainable models for financing service delivery.  In our activity, we ensure that local citizens, LPA employees, NGOs, economic agents are actively involved in the modernization of public services in the community and especially that the less advantaged have equal access to these services.

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All Communal service providers Community mobilization Risipeni-en Solid Waste Management Technical assistance

Risipeni, Taxobeni, Horești and Izvoare signed the Grant Agreement within the partnership with the MĂ IMPLIC Project

Risipeni, Taxobeni, Horești and Izvoare signed the Grant Agreement within the partnership with the MĂ IMPLIC Project

The signing of the Agreement is a result of the joint work of the Risipeni, Taxobeni, Horești and Izvoare municipalities, the Community Initiative Team and the citizens, who together make joint efforts to improve the municipal solid waste management service, with the support of MĂ IMPLIC Project.  Under the agreement, the partner-municipalities receive a grant of a maximum of 65,000 Swiss francs, for carrying out the works and/or procuring the necessary equipment, for the realization of the project.


During the Grant signing event, the most active members of the Community Initiative Team received appreciation certificates for their active involvement in the implementation of the project. The community facilitator, Victor Cimpoieș, informed those present at the event about the results obtained, but also about the tasks to be performed to improve the quality of life of the inhabitants of the 9 villages, but also of the environment.


In addition to financial support, beneficiaries receive consultancy and capacity-building services. The “MĂ IMPLIC” project helps the municipality and the service provider not only to improve the infrastructure but also to develop long-term approaches to keep this infrastructure in good shape and to have sustainable models for financing the provision of services. In our work, we ensure that local citizens, LPA employees, NGOs, and businesses are actively involved in modernizing community services in the community and especially that the less advantaged have equal access to these services.


The project is funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and implemented by SKAT Consulting.

#maImplic #skatConsulting #solidwastemanagement #civicengagement